Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer and the fourth leading cause of cancer death among women world-wide. Screening for the detection of cervical cancer and pre-cancer has reduced the incidence and mortality rate of this cancer type. High quality examinations are one of the important elements that determine the efficacy of the screening.
Cervical screening with unique lavage method
The Delphi Screener is developed by three gynaecologists in the Netherlands and designed according to preferences of women. The screener is manufactured by Rovers® Medical Devices, specialist in the development of medical devices for gynaecological examinations for over 20 years.
The Delphi Screener is a device to collect a vaginal sample for testing on vaginal and cervical health. Unlike other self-sampling devices, the Delphi Screener fits the anatomy of the vagina, with no risk of breakage. Because the insertion part has a round and smooth top and a lavage principle instead of scraping is used it is easy and painless and is not expected to cause micro-lesions in the vagina.
The unique lavage method of the Delphi Screener ensures a sample of high quality for testing in the laboratory. Women can take a vaginal sample themselves in private as well as doctors in the clinic.
- Worldwide most widely used self-sampling method in the field of cervical cancer screening.
- Uniquely designed for and with women.
- Unique lavage method to collect cells without scraping.
- Reliable – extensively tested by doctors.
- Safety – over 30.000 women have used the Delphi Screener.
- Quick and comfortable.
- Women friendly – no speculum.